Single Anastamosis DuodenoIleostomy with Sleeve (SADI-S)

- This operation is very similar to a duodenal switch but only has one connection (anastamosis) and a much longer length of bowel (250-300 cm vs 100 cm) to absorb the foods that you eat.
- Is often used for patients with a high BMI (>55) or with severe diabetes.
- This is a new operation and was just approved as a procedure by the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS). Because it is so new, most insurance companies still consider it experimental and will not cover it (very likely to change).
- This modification of the duodenal switch avoids the main issues of the duodenal switch, mainly malnutrition, diarrhea, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies while still providing significant weight loss and improvement in medical issues similar to the duodenal switch.
- This operation can be done in one stage or two stages.
- This is good option for sleeve patients that have experienced weight regain.
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