“Dumping Syndrome” occurs if the patient eats foods (solids or liquids) containing large amounts of sugar (usually more than 10g per meal). The patient will begin to feel clammy (sweaty) and their heart starts beating very fast (tachycardia). This is followed by severe, crampy abdominal pain. The patient will often feel very nauseated and may feel like they need to have a bowel movement. These symptoms will usually last for 20-30 minutes and then will go away. While “Dumping Syndrome” is not dangerous, it is very uncomfortable and for many patients the fear of “dumping syndrome” helps keep them away from tempting sugary foods and liquids. “Dumping Syndrome” is most commonly seen after a gastric bypass but a milder form can be seen in sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch patients. Patients can still have sugar, they just have to limit the amount. For example, a patient could eat a Hershey’s Kiss without a problem, but they would likely get sick with a candy bar.